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Excellence New Navy Helicopter, Anti-Submarine

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Indonesian Navy bring anti-submarine helicopter AS565 Panther types. This helicopter is more powerful than other choppers belonging to the TNI (Indonesian Army).

Keunggulan Helikopter Baru TNI AL, Anti-Kapal Selam

The advantages of this aircraft is cruising the high strength and presence detection of a range of enemy submarines wider . This helicopter also has good stability for landing on a warship .

For indonesian military aviators , artificial Eurocopter helicopters are difficult to overcome. Pilots should be able to land the ship when the ship’s condition is unstable due to the swing or the ocean waves speeding . ” So , the pilot must align the movement of the ship , so the helicopter to the ship of war must have a wheel landing systems such as Panther , because there is a suspension holding the beat while landing , ” said Chief Information Center Indonesian Navy First Admiral Fortunately Suropati  , Monday, 28 April 2014 .

Indonesian Navy plans to bring a new helicopter squadron or artificial Eurokopter 16 . Currently the Indonesian Navy is in dire need of anti – submarine helicopters that . Therefore , the indonesian Navy has not had a helicopter anti – submarine qualified .

Fortunately helicopter Newcomer hope this can initiate the development of air power belongs Indonesian Navy . Therefore , in 1950-1970 , the Indonesian Navy has the largest air force in Southeast Asia . ( Read : Specifications helicopter from the U.S. Army )

At that time , the Indonesian Navy already has an anti – submarine aircraft Fairey U.S. . 4 Gannet made ​​in the UK . The aircraft is classified as great as the killer submarine . More sinister again , the Navy could have jet bombers IL – 28T artificial Beagle Soviet Union. ” There are still some other aircraft and helicopters , ” he said .











Written by EKA SUSANTO

Mei 13, 2014 pada 9:20 am

Ditulis dalam Fashion & news

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