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BUK-M2E air defense missiles from Russia to Indonesia

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Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro finally announced plans to purchase submarines from Russia, to strengthen the Navy‘s fleet. This plan was followed up by sending a team to the Russian Navy in mid-January 2014, to see whether taking bids submarine used / refurbish or new.
BUK-M2E Rudal Pertahanan Udara dari Rusia Untuk Indonesia
Missile Defense system Buk- M2E Russia ( photo: Rosoboronexport )

This statement was made by Minister of Defence after meeting with representatives of Rosoboronexport that accompanied the Russian Ambassador to Indonesia , Mikhail Galuzin Yurievich Kemenhan Office , 06/12/2013 .

With a Kilo Class submarines bought and Amur of Russia , shows rencena – purchase plan as recorded in the SIPRI and offered Russia , was fulfilled .

Of this pattern is seen , although the military pursuit of technology transfer in procurement , but do not forget about quality . Quality defense equipment purchased while still hunt trainers from various countries , including Russia .

Speaking of defense equipment is qualified if the associated air defense systems , the Russian state can be said to be at the forefront of this technology matters . Russian defense system is growing rapidly and increasingly mature . They also continue to increase it by building the S – 500 which has a range of 600 km and can shoot any object flying in the air .

Indonesia is currently looking for air defense systems , among others, to maintain the State Capital . This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Defense Sjafrie when meeting Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo . Meeting dated 08.21.2013 was discussed synergies between the Ministry of Defence and the Government of DKI Jakarta in the construction of the basement at the monument which will be integrated with the security system capital city , including air defense .

The idea of ​​building a modern air defense system is , could already be heard Rosoboronexport , some time previously .

In the Indo Defence 2012, Rosoboronexport offers modern air defense system for Indonesia . Openness missile defense offered is the integration of water defense system that combines medium-range missile defense system BUK – M2E missile defense systems / weapons Pantsir – S1 short-range .

9K317E Buk M2E / MZKT-6922 battery component models (Zhuhai Imagery)
9K317E Buk M2E / MZKT6922 battery component models (Zhuhai Imagery)

Rosoboronexport experts believe that the system configuration will effectively protect vital objects of military and other installations of the potential enemy air attacks, including massive air strikes.

BukM2E (name in NATO: SA17 Grizzly) system is a medium-range surfaceto-air missile (SAM) moves, which are designed to protect troops and the installation / construction of the threat of air attacks. SA = 17 Grizzly is an upgrade of the air defense systems BukM1 mobile version that has been combat proven.

Buk-M2E is made to neutralize the massive attacks of tactical and strategic aircraft, tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, aircraft missiles, smart bombs, helicopters, including hovering rotorcraft, UAVs, although the BukM2E get attacks of intense electronic countermeasures.

Sistem Pertahanan rudal/senjata jarak pendek mobile,Pantsir-S1 Rusia (SA-8 Greyhound

Missile defense systems / mobile short-range weapons, the Russian PantsirS1 (SA8 Greyhound

The PantsirS1 (NATO: SA8 Greyhound) is a missile-based air defense systems / weapons designed to protect vital areas, big military areas, industrial targets and ground forces units. Strengthen PantsirS1 air defense units to protect troops and military installations of precision air strikes, both at low altitude and extreme low altitudes.

Apparently, the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces are exploring modern defense missile system from Russia. Once again, exploring. The assessment begins with the arrival of representatives of Rosoboronexport accompanied by Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, facing the Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro in Jakarta.










Written by EKA SUSANTO

Mei 13, 2014 pada 7:33 am

Ditulis dalam Fashion & news

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